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July 19, 2021, 2:57 am

Only two FTSE100 companies – Tesco and Prudential – are held in the fund. 'It's a diverse fund, ' says Slater, 'with holdings across a range of industrial sectors. Typically, they're niche businesses that do what they do very well, either in the domestic or global market. ' Among the fund's top holdings is Warwickshire-based video games maker Codemasters, currently subject to a takeover bid from US rival Electronic Arts. Another bidder, Take-Two – publisher of Grand Theft Auto – dropped out last week. 'Codemasters is a business that initially expanded too quickly, ' says Slater. 'Then new management came in, licked it into shape, and listed it on the London Stock Exchange in June 2018. ' He adds: 'We bought into the company when it came to market. The shares initially traded at £2. 65 but we kept buying them as they fell in price to around £1. 50. Now, they're trading at around £6 and I imagine a takeover deal will be struck at up to £7 a share. 'We love the company and it ticked all our boxes – growing fast, good cash flow and great management.

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